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The CHP1500 is an enclosure standardized for natural gas-fueled Cat® G3512H engines rated 1.5 MW, with generator rated for 4160V for combined heat and power (CHP) applications. In CHP applications, Cat gas generator sets simultaneously provide electricity for electrical loads and heat energy for a facility's thermal requirements. Caterpillar will offer customers complete CHP solutions eliminating the need to outsource additional engineering or project management.
Learn MoreThe CHP2000 is an enclosure standardized for natural gas-fueled Cat® G3516H engines rated 2.0 MW, with generator rated for 4160V for combined heat and power (CHP) applications. In CHP applications, Cat gas generator sets simultaneously provide electricity for electrical loads and heat energy for a facility's thermal requirements. Caterpillar will offer customers complete CHP solutions eliminating the need to outsource additional engineering or project management.
Learn MoreThe CHP2500 is an enclosure standardized for natural gas-fueled Cat® G3520H engines rated 2.5 MW, with generator rated for 4160V for combined heat and power (CHP) applications. In CHP applications, Cat gas generator sets simultaneously provide electricity for electrical loads and heat energy for a facility's thermal requirements. Caterpillar will offer customers complete CHP solutions eliminating the need to outsource additional engineering or project management.
Learn MoreThe Cat CG132B family of gas engines are perfectly tailored to the challenges of the power plant in an age of global value chains.
Learn MoreThe Cat CG132B family of gas engines are perfectly tailored to the challenges of the power plant in an age of global value chains.
Learn MoreThe Cat CG132B family of gas engines are perfectly tailored to the challenges of the power plant in an age of global value chains.
Learn MoreFrom natural gas-fueled combined heat and power (CHP) systems and emergency power for facilities, to renewable biogas energy to support the local grid, or electricity generated from coal mine gases, Caterpillar has a wide range of reliable gas power solutions.
Learn MoreFrom natural gas-fueled combined heat and power (CHP) systems and emergency power for facilities, to renewable biogas energy to support the local grid, or electricity generated from coal mine gases, Caterpillar has a wide range of reliable gas power solutions.
Learn MoreState-of-the-art components providing more power: the compact design, a focus on a wide range of applications and highest efficiency values of its class make sure of that. Managed by a smart and secure control system, the new CG170B series offers the optimal balance between profitability and reliability.
Learn MoreFrom natural gas-fueled combined heat and power (CHP) systems and emergency power for facilities, to renewable biogas energy to support the local grid, or electricity generated from coal mine gases, Caterpillar has a wide range of reliable gas power solutions.
Learn MoreFrom natural gas-fueled combined heat and power (CHP) systems and emergency power for facilities, to renewable biogas energy to support the local grid, or electricity generated from coal mine gases, Caterpillar has a wide range of reliable gas power solutions.
Learn MoreFrom natural gas to biogas, coal mine gases, or hydrogen fuel blends to support combined heat and power (CHP), emergency power, and local grid support applications, Caterpillar has a wide range of reliable gas power solutions.
Learn MoreFrom natural gas to biogas, coal mine gases, or hydrogen fuel blends to support combined heat and power (CHP), emergency power, and local grid support applications, Caterpillar has a wide range of reliable gas power solutions.
Learn MoreFrom natural gas to biogas, coal mine gases, or hydrogen fuel blends to support combined heat and power (CHP), emergency power, and local grid support applications, Caterpillar has a wide range of reliable gas power solutions.
Learn MoreState-of-the-art components providing more power: the compact design, a focus on a wide range of applications and highest efficiency values of its class make sure of that. Managed by a smart and secure control system, the new CG170B series offers the optimal balance between profitability and reliability.
Learn MoreState-of-the-art components providing more power: the compact design, a focus on a wide range of applications and highest efficiency values of its class make sure of that. Managed by a smart and secure control system, the new CG170B series offers the optimal balance between profitability and reliability.
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