- The Cat® C4.4 engine meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, EU Stage V, and South Korea MOE NR Tier 4 Final emission standards.
- Cat diesel engines are required to use ULSD (ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel with 15 ppm of sulfur or less) or ULSD blended with the following lower-carbon intensity fuels up to: 20% biodiesel FAME (fatty acid methyl ester)* or 100% renewable diesel, HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) and GTL (gas-to-liquid) fuels. Refer to guidelines for successful application. Please consult your Cat dealer or "Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations" (SEBU6250) for details.
- Cat® Grade helps reduce fuel burn and greenhouse gas emissions by enabling you to achieve grade faster and more accurately by automating blade actions.
- Cat Scheduled Oil Sampling (S O S) Services help reveal excessive wear, contaminated fluids, or other unseen issues that can shorten component life. In many cases, you can extend oil and coolant change intervals by using fluid monitoring. Consult your Cat dealer or the machine's operation and maintenance manual for more information.
- Extended maintenance intervals not only reduce downtime but decrease the amount of fluid and filters that are replaced over the life of the machine.
- VisionLink displays the CO2 emissions for monitored assets, calculated by fuel type for the Runtime Fuel Burned each day in a selected date range.
- Don't waste fuel idling. Cat VisionLink online fleet monitoring helps you manage idle time and reduce fuel burn and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Cat® Reman parts are a sustainable choice. New Cat parts are designed with the potential to have more than one life, so Cat Reman parts are truly remanufactured not just repaired, rebuilt, or reconditioned. Because the process ensures the latest design changes are incorporated into Cat Reman parts, you get like-new quality and outstanding performance at lower cost.
*Engines with no aftertreatment devices can use higher blends, up to 100% biodiesel (for use of blends higher than 20% biodiesel, consult your Cat dealer).