Dealer and Operating co-op purching
Dealer and Operating co-op purching


Cooperative Purchasing Offers Streamlined Process for Purchasing Dependable Cat® Equipment.

Procuring heavy equipment for states, counties or other municipalities comes with a host of challenges. Cooperative purchasing may be just the right strategy to quickly secure high-quality Cat® equipment at a competitive price.

The most succinct definition of cooperative purchasing is “two or more governments purchasing under the same contract.”  It allows two or more public procurement agencies to leverage the benefits of volume purchases, delivery and supply chain advantages, best practices and the reduction of administrative time and expenses.

Cooperative contracts usually share these features:

  • One or more parties identify a common need suitable for cooperative purchasing and sign an agreement to work together
  • The lead party researches options, solicits and reviews proposals, then negotiates and awards the contract
  • Other parties seeking to use the contract sign an agreement that allows them to participate
  • The lead party administers the contract over a specified time period

The streamlined process can provide countless benefits including access to higher quality products that deliver the lowest total cost over the life of the equipment.

Find more resources about cooperative purchasing at, and

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