How Intelligent Compaction Saves You Money
How Intelligent Compaction Saves You Money


“Over” compacting wastes time, fuel and money. See how onboard technology can help you hit compaction targets as efficiently as possible.

Looking to squeeze more work out of every drop of fuel? Don’t overlook the benefits of intelligent compaction on your site prep and road construction projects. Onboard technologies like Cat® Compact can help you achieve compaction specifications in the fewest passes. That means less fuel burned, more time saved and more profits earned.

How does intelligent compaction work?

Traditional compaction is an art, not a science — relying on operator intuition to determine when specifications are met. That’s risky. Do all your operators judge compaction the same way? With today’s shortage of experienced operators, can you be sure your team is getting it right every time? You could be “under” compacting, which can lead to quality issues, or “over” compacting and wasting time, fuel and money. Intelligent compaction turns the process into a more exact science. Found on machines like soil, asphalt and landfill compactors, it combines tools like GNSS mapping, integrated measurement systems, accelerometers, onboard reporting systems, infrared thermometers and other technologies to help your operators achieve uniform compaction every time. Cat Compact, for example, includes:

  • Precise navigation technology that lets operators monitor progress and coverage 
  • Advanced material stiffness measurement that ensures proper compaction 
  • Instant feedback in the cab that helps operators determine which areas have already been compacted and which are left to cover 
  • Compaction and coverage data reports that enable you to verify the job was completed to specification 

Different technology options — like compaction algorithms, compaction meter value, machine drive power and temperature indication — allow you to select a solution that fits your applications best.

How do I benefit from compaction technology?

We’ve already hit on the #1 advantage of using technologies like Cat Compact: fewer passes for more fuel savings. You’re also likely to see:

  • Improved project quality and faster completion time because operators — novices and experts alike — can confirm that they’re achieving compaction right in the cab 
  • Reduced rework and lower material costs because the compaction process is completed right the first time 
  • Less component wear because it takes fewer equipment hours to reach compaction targets 
  • Enhanced safety because there’s less need for ground personnel to check compaction 

With fuel costs eating into profits, project timelines shrinking, jobs getting more competitive and no end to the operator shortage in sight, it pays to take every step you can to save time and money. That should include adding intelligent compaction to your technology toolbox. This white paper lays out the advantages and options in more detail.