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Order one part number and save $500 on your next overhaul — it's easy! The savings apply to heavy-duty and medium-duty precious kits, excluding titanium and HEUITM fuel system kits. These easy-to-order Caterpillar kits come with the components you need for a reliable, high-quality repair.
Complete the form below to get your offer coupon, then bring it to your local authorized Cat dealer to redeem this precious metals kit offer.
1$500 off heavy-duty and medium-duty precious metals kits, excluding titanium and HEUITM fuel system kits.
Restrictions apply. Amounts in USD. CAD exchange rate may vary. Caterpillar reserves the right to modify or cancel these programs or audit claims submitted against these programs at any time.
Think a Cat precious metals kit is more than you need for a basic repair? It's time to bust that myth. Our expert walks through the various Caterpillar kits available and explains which level makes the most sense for different types of repairs.
Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum? Use this brochure to match your repair indicators to the most appropriate heavy-duty kit level, then see exactly which parts are included in each Cat precious metals kit.