请注意,通过在此应用程序中输入数据以获取行车路线,您将直接向 Google LLC 和/或其关联公司提供此类数据。单击“我同意”或使用 Google 地图功能获取行车路线,即表示您承认并同意在使用 Google 地图时遵守当时公认的 Google 地图/Google 地球附加服务条款(https://developers.google.com/maps/terms-20180207#section_9_3)和 Google 隐私政策(https://policies.google.com/privacy)
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请注意,通过在此应用程序中输入数据以获取行车路线,您将直接向 Google LLC 和/或其关联公司提供此类数据。单击“我同意”或使用 Google 地图功能获取行车路线,即表示您承认并同意在使用 Google 地图时遵守当时公认的 Google 地图/Google 地球附加服务条款(https://developers.google.com/maps/terms-20180207#section_9_3)和 Google 隐私政策(https://policies.google.com/privacy)
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Note that by entering data in this application for purposes of obtaining
driving directions, you are providing such data directly to Google LLC and/or its affiliates. By
clicking "I Agree" or by using the Google Maps functionality to obtain driving directions, you
acknowledge and agree that use of Google Maps is subject to the then-current Google Maps/Google Earth
Additional Terms of Service at
and Google Privacy Policy at